DKIM in Atrium Connect for Outbound Emails

DKIM in Atrium Connect for Outbound Emails

The purpose of this document is to explain the process to implement outbound emails to appear as they are sending from the clients email address from Atrium Connect using DKIM or DomainKeys Identified Mail. 
  1. Create a ticket named DKIM Email Configuration - [Client Site Name].
  2. Once an engineer is assigned, reach out to them to ask for the CNAME records which need to be configured for DKIM.
  3. Once you get the CNAME records attached, forward them to the client and ask them to add the CNAME records to their DNS server.
  4. Once that is completed you will need to configure a few items in Atrium Connect Admin site.
    1. Go to Connections > Outbound Email Config and configure using the image below as an example.

    2. Go to Photo Upload > Photo Upload Emails and edit each field. Be sure to check the box at the bottom and enter client email address.

Below is an example of what the emails will look like. 

If they are still sending with the process is not working.