Create a Role

Create a Role

To become an Atrium Administrator, individuals must be assigned both a role and a department, as one cannot exist without the other. Roles define the administrator's capabilities for viewing and modifying system settings, while departments limit which accounts they can alter. Roles and departments function as partners jointly dictating an administrator's authority and access within Atrium Admin. These categories must be established before assigning new users, ensuring each administrator is allocated to pre-defined roles and departments, both of which shape their operational scope. See Create a department for more information on departments.

A pencil and paper with check marks

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  • Multiple roles can be assigned to a person with the role having the broader range of permissions taking precedence over roles with fewer permissions.

  • Some users may be designated as a “super admin,” a role that grants them comprehensive access and control. This role encompasses all available attributes, features, and permissions.

  • At this time, Role permissions in Atrium Admin do not affect permissions in Atrium Connect. 

To create a new role:

  1. Navigate to Atrium Admin.

  2. Click the System tab.

  3. Click Configuration > Roles.

  4. Click the Add Role button.

  1. Check all of the permissions in the table that are applicable for that role. See the image below as an example, and see Permissions and Attributes and Features below for more information on each privilege. 

  2. Finally, type the name of the role in the Role Name field at the top of the page, and then press Enter on the keyboard to create that role.  A screenshot of a computer

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Each administrative privilege can have up to seven permissions assigned for each attribute within Atrium Admin. These permissions for each role are as follows:

  • Create – Enable to allow admins the right to create a new attribute (e.g. account, tag etc).

  • Modify – Enable to allow admins the right to modify this attribute.

  • Delete – Enable to allow admins the right to delete this attribute.

  • Revoke – Enable to allow admins the right to revoke this attribute from users.

  • Assign – Enable to allow admins the right to assign this attribute to users.

  • Allow – Enable to allow admins the right to click and access this feature or attribute in Atrium Admin, such as a tab or a setting in the user interface. If this is not checked, the user can see a feature but cannot access it. 

  • Profile View – Enable to allow admins the right to view that attribute when viewing a user’s profile.

  • All – Enable to allow all of the relevant permissions above related to that attribute.

Attributes and Features

Most role attributes and features are intuitive and clear from their descriptions. However, some may be unclear and thus are described below.

Attribute / Feature

Action / Description


Allow enables the admin to click and access the Reports tab, and thus grants access to other reporting features. Without this enabled, admins can view the Reports tab but cannot interact with it or access reports.




        Create enables the Add a Person button from the People tab.

        Modify enables the Edit Profile button for a person and allows a user to edit most fields for a person.

        Profile View allows the admin to view a person’s profile. Without this enabled, the admin can search for the person but cannot view the profile at all.


        Modify allows the admin to change a person’s address from the person profile and save those changes. If disabled, the user cannot save any address changes.

        Assign allows the admin to assign pre-existing addresses to a person for the profile and save those changes. Note that the address options will be limited by the admin’s department who is making these changes. If disabled, the user cannot save any address changes.

        Revoke allows the admin to revoke an address for a person.

        Profile View allows the admin to view people’s addresses in their profile.


An affiliate refers to individuals whose status is tied to (inherits) a person's record and also changes with the status of that person’s record. This includes changes like termination or resignation. The affiliate must already be established in Atrium as a person before being assigned as to another person.

Campus ID

The ID number associated with a person which uniquely identifies that person in Atrium Admin. Every person has their own unique Campus ID.

Create Date

When the person was first added to Atrium Admin. Note: You cannot modify a creation date even though that feature has a checkbox.


Notes in Atrium Admin are useful for adding additional important information to a person's profile which may benefit the student or administrators.


The person’s photo in Atrium Admin.

Other Photos

A person’s fingerprint image or written signature in their profile. This image will appear in their profile under Fingerprint.

Photo Updated Date

This will appear in the person’s profile as Date of Last Photo.

Png Message

“Png” stands for persona-non-grata, and it can signify either that a person is not welcome at the organization, or that person is a VIP. It appears as PNG Message in the person’s profile, and it will only appear if the Person Status is set to PNG first.

Print Card

This feature is only applicable to organizations that use HID Fargo Connect as their card production system. Allow permits the admin to click and access Print Card from the person’s profile.

Person History

Profile View allows the admin to view a history of all the person’s transactions and activity at the bottom of their profile in the form of a table. This information can also be printed or exported.

Share Accounts

Some Debit, Meal Plan, and Event accounts within the Atrium system are designed to be shareable among individuals who have an Atrium record. To share an account, click Share from a person’s profile.




Accounts governs what account permissions the admin can access from System > Accounts.

        Create enables the Add Account button so the admin can create an account.

        Modify enables the edit link beneath existing accounts on the Accounts dashboard.

        Delete enables the remove link beneath existing accounts on the Accounts dashboard. Usually this permission is only given to super admins. If an account is accidentally deleted, contact an Atrium Care Manager to restore the account.

        Assign allows the admin to assign an account to a user.

        Revoke allows the admin to revoke an account from a user.

        Profile View allows the admin to view people’s accounts in their profile.



Account Groups

Account Groups, and many other features listed under this category, give configuration options for admins who access System > Configuration in Atrium Admin.

Note: Profile View is not always available for some features because they are not visible from a person’s profile.

Person Affiliate Types

This feature allows an admin to manage the type of affiliate for a person, such as a Spouse/Partner, Dependent, Vendor, etc.

Deposit Method

This feature allows an admin to manage the payment/deposit method. Note that Deposit Method as it appears under System > Config is also called Payment Method for a person in their profile. These are two names for the same attribute.


Allow enables the admin to click and access Discounts under System > Config. Discounts only apply to Debit accounts.

Note: Not all features have the Allow permission. For those that don’t, all users have access by default, although their ability to edit or add content may be restricted.

Person Templates

Person templates in Atrium streamline the manual creation of new people, as opposed to creating a person via file or DB import. By applying a Person Template, administrators can automatically assign relevant tags, labels, and demographic information to a new user's profile, eliminating the need for manual entry of each attribute.


Roles enables the admin to do the very thing that you’re doing right now, which is creating and/or modifying roles.


This is a defunct feature and can be ignored.


Schedules are used for everything from account resets, to defining a meal period, scheduling a report, and scheduling data tools.

Institution Info


General Information

Modify enables the Edit School button when the admin navigates to the Institution Info settings located on System > Configuration > Institution Info.


Create enables the Add Campus button when the admin navigates to System > Configuration > Institution Info. Using a tree analogy, all organizations are broken down into Campuses which are like the trunk, Places which are like the limbs, and Readers which are like the leaves representing the individual devices used to process point-of-activity transactions.


Create enables the Add Place button when the admin navigates to the Institution Info settings above.




Allow enables the admin to click and access Connections located on the System tab.


Allow enables visibility to Readers on the Connections settings.

Access Groups

Create enables the ability to create new Access Groups on the Connections settings. Atrium Admin, while not an access control system itself, facilitates the assignment of access rights through Access Groups, allowing external access control systems to streamline facility access by importing this data.

Reader Tags

Create enables the ability to create new Reader Tags on the Connections settings. Note that you cannot see Reader Tags in Profile View, so that checkbox is irrelevant.

Atrium Readers / Activities



Allow enables the admin to click and access Operators located under System > Atrium Readers and System > Activities.

Note: Although there are no Assign / Revoke permissions, these are assumed if you grant the other permissions.

AWR Settings

Modify allows the admin to modify Settings under System > Atrium Readers and System > Activities.

Global Eligibility Pools

This is a feature related only to System > Activities. For example, these can be pools of people that share a common major, elective, or status, such as a current student and a Business major. The “Global” designates that it can be assigned to any Activity Reader. If enabled, select the appropriate Global Eligibility Pool from the drop-down on the Activities Settings.

Local Eligibility Pools

This is a feature related only to System > Activities. The “Local” means that it only applies to the Activity Reader where it is created, like an on-the-fly eligibility pool. If enabled, click Build your own Local Eligibility Pool on the Activities settings.


Allow enables the admin to click and access Activities located under System> Activities. Without this enabled, an admin also cannot edit the Eligibility Pools either.

Data Tools



Allow enables the admin to click and access Actions from System > Data Tools.


Allow enables the admin to click and access History from System > Data Tools.



Override All Account Rules

Allow enables an admin to override standard transaction restrictions on accounts, such as those related to activation and expiration dates, location-specific limitations, and daily or weekly limits. If enabled, the admin can credit funds to inactive accounts by bypassing the usual constraints that would block such operations. This feature will appear as an Override All Account Rules checkbox at the bottom of a transaction form for an account assigned to a person.

Transaction Types



Allow enables an admin to click and access Deposit from an account history of a person’s profile. This also applies to all the other features under this category.




Allow enables the admin to click and access the Help button for Atrium Admin.

Create a Department

What is a Role?

What is a Department?